A life for a life…..that is the way of life in this dystopian tale. All pregnancies must be sanctioned by the government and for each baby born, another person must die. All of this was started years ago in order to get rid of problems caused by massive overpopulation.

When Janice somehow becomes pregnant without the proper authorization, she must try to find someone willing to “donate” their life. If not, her own life will be forfeit. Janice finds a willing donor through her friend, Franny. A man named Isaac Taylor agrees to be her donor with the stipulation that he can do whatever he wants for the next 6 months of his life. Since Janice has the highest clearance available, Isaac just wants to use it to do whatever he pleases.

Of course, there is more to this whole thing than the reader first believes. Janice begins to realize that members of the original “culling” committee are dying at a high rate due to accident. And, she begins to wonder who was really behind this whole situation.

The story was fast paced and the author did a great job in conveying the emotions of the characters. Once I started listening, I had to know what was going to happen! The narrator did a wonderful job and added a lot to the book. All in all, this was a very enjoyable book. If you enjoy the dystopian genre, give this short work a try. You won’t be disappointed!