I rarely give all five star ratings but I had to with this one. It’s premise is quite shocking and almost too perfect for its subject matter: policeman son discovers his wealthy father is Black Dahlia slayer. You’d think that the story might be pure sensationalism but Steve Hodell clearly did his homework and why anything but? He performed an investigation into his father’s life and times during the incident of the BD murder, before, during, and after its occurring. It’s impressively exhausting (typed with nothing but all due respect to Mr Hodell). He builds a incredibly well-thought out and thoroughly researched case of circumstantial evidence against George Hodell. The only part of the manuscript I would’ve wanted a bit less of is his back story related to the main story. Knowing everything I know now about his mom I don’t think it would’ve made me any less prepared for what was to come in the ensuing pages except that I now am disgusted by John Huston. It’s the kinda story that you think would come straight outta a Hollywood scriptwriter’s typing machine.