Ryun’s perspective and story continues to shine. While at the beginning of the book, it looks to be Ryun light. Fortunately, his storyline and those around him dominate most of the chapter count later.

Zach, despite his madness, actually grows more on me this book as well. He has changed a lot through the series, and while he is a bit mad and still loses some key fights despite him being super OP because he zones out for too long, his chapter quality has improved a lot.

The only negative I can think of in this book is Kael. His story has just gotten worse and worse. He seemed like an oppressed freedom fighter at first. Then they did the madness of opening up the domes. And he acts like he is doing it for others? When most of the people who died or were turned were weak and powerless, he acts like he is noble and not killing people besides the “Establishment “. Then he aligns and sells his soul basically… Yeah lets just say I hope he dies off soon.

Definitely worth the listen overall.