This novella is about a collared alpha wolf shifter/tracker named Brodrick and his reformed hacker girlfriend Joanne. Brodrick has been in and out through out this series so far. He tried to mate claim Maria (Ellison’s mate). Brodrick first met Joanne in the book (crap can’t remember) something with bear in the title. Anyways her sister went missing and the only lead Joanne had was she was last seen with a shifter. Either way Joanne sent lots of trouble to the San Antonio shifter town in the form of tons of cops. Brodrick stood up for her and it meant a lot. They became close and this is their story.
Oh and if you fell in love with the cat uncollated shifter Shamus as I did then part of his is in this as well.
Sneak peak…if you are curious about Fairy then listen in you won’t be disappointed. No matter how grumpy Brodrick seems and well truly is he loves Joanne that’s for sure.
Last but not least I loved David Brenner and wish he would’ve read all the books. He makes the alphas sound like they should but more than that I think I just liked to listen to his commentary. Enjoy..I sure did