A compilation is a great way to hear this one, It’s really interesting and Lisa is a master for romance and funny moments.

Book 1 Auxem:

I think all the books should be like this with lots of super hot story and great sex scenes they don’t need to be a lot, but it was masterful how well it was balanced.

the plot was super interesting I didn’t wanted it to end, so cool, if you like angels or anything alike you should read/hear this one, it will not disappoint you.

the romance was sweet and had problems like any relationship, the characters were so complex in their interactions on this one, they felt so alive, definitely a perfect book for your romance shelf.

Book 2 Ayrie:

I liekd the idea of two narrators, both were good I liked them a lot so the performance was good and emotional.

the plot was good, it did follow the line the others did and I was glad that it did interconnect at some point very subtle with other pairings and places on the series that was fantastic.

I was happy to see that integration on the series.

Book 3 Anders:

I was pretty amused, haa Anders is pretty clever alright I liked him, poor Gwen having to get all of that punishment in their relationship and she couldn’t decide either why ?

now this indecision was part of the enchantment of the book because they kept making mistakes so basic it was funny, now the piloting was so hot really.

and I liked that this one too intertwined with other books on terramates series that was a super plus.

Book 4 Allex:

At the beginning of the stor, it was nice that thing are re explain just in case some detail anyone forgot and so deep as book 4 it’s a good remainder.

after that the plot began to tickens and oh wao poor Allex, I feel him so much being the baby of my family myself and yes I think it’s hard too after being certain person for so long to be yourself after but it’s not impossible.

The king did a good change on this one for the better at last, I was beginning to think maybe Arnon should usurp the trone by this point jajaja.

something I really like it’s that she connects her books well and you don’t get the feeling like i’m lost what is she talking about everything is well explained.

Now just one of the brothers is left and I know it will be a delicious story just as this one.

Book 5 Avren:

I found Avren pretty funny, he was one of the more serious auxem in some things, but you could grasp the caring and loving person he was inside.

Vannessa was a sassy one a little too afraid but who isn’t after a lot of bad experiences in life.

I liked the plot it was pretty interesting and a little suspensful at some point I was like OMG so cool all this and I loved that this one as the others auxem novels, have little cameos of other terramates novels that was fantastic.

for the narrators I loved the girl, the male voice was I don’t know, maybe too simple? but it didn’t think it made the cut for this one I thin. now it wasn’t bad just I didn’t get the feeling I got with the other ones.