3.75 out of 5 stars

It’s been some time since the EMP* turned out all the lights and threw the world into the dark.  The cabin that everyone is staying in has kept everyone safe and sound for the time being. But now, a routine hunting trip took a turn for the worst when the weather changes and throws Megan and her new friends into a whole new dynamic.

The story in Dark Hunt was pretty enjoyable.  Everything was a little ‘typical’ for a Post-Apocalyptic book with a few exceptions.  Normally when you sneak up on another camp they shoot first and ask questions later.  When they got to another camp in this book they seemed to be welcomed with open arms.  Things just seemed to be a little too easy.  Granted, I’ve read much "easy" books with way less enjoyable characters before, but sometimes I want to see a group of people struggling.

Megan as a character started to rub me the wrong way in this book.  I can’t tell if Hamilton was trying to write her this way or if I’m starting to just not like her personality.  She is the definition of running blindly into danger without even thinking about it.  When things start to seem like they’re going to take too long — she just takes off (like a child) running into the darkness trying to save what she has left.  Numerous times this almost has her killer or severely injured (or injured worse than she already was).

I’m happy that the "typical" PA romance took a backseat in Dark Hunt.  This was more about family and what people would do to save family than the actual "new love" that the characters potentially have.

Overall — I like the series.  It’s different enough from the other PA books that I read that I’ve been enjoying it.  Megan was starting to rub me the wrong way in this one, but the other characters were really enjoyable like before.  People were a little too trusting and I wonder if that will lead to some other issues in later books. I do have at least two more books in this series in my queue, so I’m curious where Hamilton takes the story. I hope that Megan grows as a person and starts to make safer and more adult choices.

*In my last review, I wrote that Hamilton messed up by calling the CME an EMP.  She really only does it once or twice in Dark Hunt so it bothered me a lot less in this one.  I just wish that there was a mini-edit to change EMP to CME in all these books.  I know that the narrations would have to change too, but it’s wrong.

I received a free copy of this book. It has not affected my review of my opinion.