I liked it. In book one of the series we are witness to a scene that announced LOTS of drama for Christian and Dane, and, well… yes, lots of drama *laughs*

One of the things I liked the most was the way in which both characters were aware of their issues and shortcomings, and how that self-awareness didn’t help them when one of them makes a mess of their relationship. Because between knowing and feeling are miles and miles of distance. Even when you know the other one is acting up as a reaction to stuff in their past, that won’t make it hurt less nor will make it easier to forgive.

That said… I’m not sure I could have been able to forgive Dane. If I’m telling you that I have issues, and there is this particular thing I can’t abide, and you still go and do it… and in a particularly cruel way I must add, I might understand why you did it, but forgive you? I don’t know…

I liked how the Jason’s situation highlighted that Dane isn’t as strong and self-sufficient as he would like to think, and the way in which Channing plays in the story, as a bridge between the MCs, although I’m not sure about him and Reagan…

But yes, I liked the story, and I like the characters, all of them.


I only wish there wasn’t a marriage proposal at the end of the book. I’m a little tired of over-the-top marriage proposals at the end of each romance book