This story has an interesting concept/take on Fae and I enjoyed that it incorporated modern elements like cell phones etc. I would have liked to see more of the “fighter training/fighting” side of things. I also would have liked more history about the dome, what happened to the humans and animals? Are there still animals? I also would have liked to come away with a better understanding of each of the different creatures magics. I am still confused about the magic. If fae have an endless supply of magic that comes from nature, then why do some fae have more power than others? What does it mean to be “drained/have power taken”, if fae magic is from nature does that power come back once it is taken or are fae forever slightly weaker if the magic is forceably taken? Does draining/sharing magic create a bond between drainer/drainee? I also would have liked to see more things from Kae’s point of view. I would have appreciated if some of the chapters were his. I feel that as a character he lacks some depth and could use some more development, I do not quite understand him yet. Overall I liked the story immensely and couldn’t stop listening I think the world itself is an interesting concept and I look forward to what happens next.