Do not misunderstand; this is entertaining, and Jeff Hays never disappoints. However, if you have read other LitRPG books, Power Fantasy series, or Isekai anime, you will have run into the same or very similar plot hooks and character development. This book resembles the Cradle series by Will Wight, Kaiju Battle Surgeon by Matt Dinniman, and The Land series by Aleron Dong. Most of the jokes fall flat to the point where you have to wonder if this was proofread before it was published, which is reminiscent of The Land as the dated pop culture references detract from the experience by making you cringe more and more as the book continues. In audiobook form, you may need to rewind a few times because you will miss some of the stat reads, as there is a ton of stats.

On a positive note, the author writes certain emotions very well, and the MC’s actions have weight.