Okay, so positives first. It is very evident that the topic was well researched. It is also an extremely interesting concept. And Hyde certainly knows how to use little cliff hangers at the end of each chapter to keep you interested. I feel like there is tons of potential for this author.

Now for the negatives. There seems to be a lot of tell and very little show in my opinion. And in a few places too much information is given which slows down the story. Likewise, there are a few places where the opposite is true. An example of this would be the kiss on the forehead. I personally need so many more interactions between the two before something so intimate comes out of nowhere. In the beginning, Skull comes off as a jerk and is rude for no apparent reason. It seems by the end there was an arc for the character, but it isn’t really shown in the story. We see point A and point B, but no real arc connecting the two. Lastly, as far as the writing is concerned, most interactions seem choppy and awkward. Maybe there is a reason for this but very few conversations had any fluidity to them. Except however the one-liner over the bracelet. I loved Cameron’s response and laughed out loud.

For the narrator…I did not like him at all. He sounded nasally and sometimes hard to understand. I felt like he didn’t master any of the accents and it sounded as though he sometimes slipped in and out of them. Maybe he did this book a disservice and I just missed something.

Even with my laundry list of complaints, I would certainly be interested in Hyde’s other books.