chances are no one will read this review since the book’s been out for a long time and there are a ton of other reviews to read. If by chance you do read this review then I believe you’re in the correct spot. What I mean by that is that I started with this author reading a different Trilogy that I thought would be more interesting only to find out that all the trilogies for this author are connected and I more or less started in the middle. As annoying as that was I still found the story interesting enough to try and find the first Trilogy which this appears to be it. Having just finished the first book I could say it clears up quite a few things with the other trilogy. I’m not a big fan of big huge connected Universe mostly because what if there’s a story in there that I don’t like her not interested in then depending on how connected it is it your tracks from the other stories and the whole thing comes Crashing Down. as far as I can tell this author’s done a fairly good job. The other Trilogy had some really great moments but it’s not something I would consider a great story. That may be because it is only one piece of the greater whole which again brings me back to being annoyed. I just finished this book and it was pretty funny but again obviously not my first choice out of what the author had written. I am interested enough to continue on and I definitely think the narrator did a fantastic job with the character.