Its a very good book, however, I gotta wonder if either Jeff Hays is incompetent or just a troll.
He does very good voices, but ever since he started using sound effects and background noises, its like he forgets
to give it a proper listen before saying “Right, thats good. Off with you”.
The very start of the book with the mine carts and the background noises, it gave me a splitting headache
to the point where I wanted to skip the chapter or just stop listening all together.
Sure, later on, its no longer a problem, however it seems like its like this with ALL books Jeff Hays
does, hell. I remember listening to another book where the background noises drowned out the damn
narration, but, just like in this book, its only the very start that has the issue with loud/grating background
noises, which is why I am unsure if Jeff Hays is a troll or just doesnt care to quality check the book..