I was enjoying the story until about halfway through the 3rd book. At that point, it seems like the author decided he was done with this story and needed to quickly wrap up as many of the loose ends as possible before ending the story.
At the end of the story, there are many things that just happened offscreen and we are told about it after the fact. Some of the major side plots were just sort of swept under the rug.
The book ends on a joke after a rushed & confusing explanation of what just happened. It was seriously disappointing.
Before the rushed ending, I was enjoying the story. It was like a less polished version of the Spellmonger series, with a slightly less likable protagonist. One thing this MC did, which I can’t recall another protagonist doing, was to actively ignore people when they were talking to him. Like they would be speaking and then he would start a distracted rant on his head about a completely different subject, then tune back in long enough to dismiss whoever was speaking to him. I think it was notable because it happened OFTEN. lol