Where does Villains Rule rank among all the audiobooks you’ve listened to so far?
This is another Villain story, and this seems to be in, and many of them have one of two flaws. The “Villain” is secretly a misunderstood good guy, or is basically Chaotic Evil with an unending arsenal of quips. This book still has tons of quips and pop culture references, and it does walk a fine line between serious and silly, but what it does best is DETAILS. The plan is explained and over explained. Plan B has its own plan B and if all fails you improvise. True villainy is about manipulation and scheming and I believed that shadow jack had that aspect down.The ending (*No spoilers) was much better than expected even though living up to expectations.
Who was your favorite character and why?
The shadow master walks the fine line between too silly to enjoy with the overstating that “he is a villain, get over it” and very genuine,calculating and ruthless character.Sometimes its too much, sometimes its very dark and real. Still this is a fun story first and foremost.