Narrator does a good job. She fits the characters and gives a clear performance; except for her pronunciation of the name Julio. Maybe it is pronounced Julie-o, but I’m thinking not if that someone is from Mexico. Overall, a good performance.

Entertaining ending to this series. Overall, I just didn’t connect fully with the story. The whole tone of the story and the characters just felt too simple for me. The romance was very sweet; Theo and Cara have a good connection. I liked the ideas of the Immortals and the death bracelets; thought that was a fun idea. I think the 3 books could’ve easily been 1 book, but still a fun read overall.

In this book, Cara and Theo start out imprisoned by Lady Em, which I’m mostly glad didn’t last very long, but still think there should’ve been more to it than there was. Cara and Theo need to figure out how to take the death bracelets off without dying and take out Lady Em, so that leads to a bit of adventure and suspense. I love how protective Theo is of Cara; not a fan of her complaining about it, but still so sweet. It was good to finally get some backstory for the other clans and Immortal stones, which I would’ve preferred it to have been throughout the series. Still some unique ideas there. I like how the ending went, but not fully. This may be spoiler-ish, so warning!

I didn’t like the whole story with the kids; an 18 year old with 12 kids, nope. Also, when they are trying to figure out how to get the death bracelet off, why couldn’t Theo just get a new Immortal Stone? When he got Alexio’s Stone, Theo went and got his old death bracelet from the person who was wearing it and that person was fine when it was removed. So, Theo could’ve got a new stone; like he did when he got Alexio’s Stone and Cara’s bracelet should’ve come off fine. Plus, there’s the extra stones in Lady Em’s necklace that could’ve been used for something. I don’t know just seemed like more thought needed to be put into this. Why show the scene of Theo getting the death bracelet from his old lifeblood; if it wasn’t going to come into play? I do like how it ended, but it still wasn’t explained properly why they didn’t really think of that. I may have missed something. Also, why in the heck would you send an untrained person in alone to take out the big bad; so stupid.

A fun, entertaining story with a super sweet romance and some interesting ideas.