When I first read Project Legion, my experience with Jeremy Robinson only extended to his novels starring his Goddess of Vengeance, ie. the Nemesis Saga. I’m mostly sure I didn’t even read Island 731 until after this or Project Hyperion. It’s a credit to Jeremy Robinson that someone like me could enjoy this book having just read the Nemesis Saga without reading about the other characters who cross over here.

Once again, Jeremy Robinson delivers a great novel but, more importantly, he ties up the loose threads of the series to send-off his monstrous creation in a way that makes you wish for more but doesn’t leave you disappointed this is the end. The novel dives into the action right away, doing away with the comedic beginning to ease you in the story. Have no fear because this novel delivers the heart and humor alongside the action and suspense just as well as the previous novels.

The character growing is not as prevalent as in earlier novels, but this book DOES reflect on the changes that have happened over the series. It works since the previous novels did such a good job setting them up and allowing this one to be an action packed yet still thoughtful and hilarious ride. There’s still room for growth as Maigo finally feels comfortable in her skin and becomes a leader like her adopted father Jon. We also get some character development for the emotionless giant robot Hyperion (but I won’t say more so there’s something to entice readers 😉 ). Other than that, the characters are still who we love and we even get inside the heads of those who until now, we didn’t follow as much (with significant action examination for Watson and Joilet).

The novels balances all that PLUS introducing not only new characters but ALSO new parallel dimensions. To quickly summarize the “Full Nemesis Saga Experience,” Project Legion brings in characters from the following Jeremy Robinson novels:

Island 731

Nazi Hunter – Atlantis (aka I am Cowboy)

Raising the Past


The Jack Sigler Thrillers

– Pulse

– Instinct

– Threshold

Human After All (previously Xom-B & Uprising)

The Didymus Contingency

The Last Hunter


(and, obviously, the previous four Nemesis novels 🙂 )

If that seems daunting, please understand: it helps if you read them all but is absolutely NOT necessary. I haven’t read them yet and still understood the characters and their situations enough. Jeremy Robinson clearly knew that Nemesis is the gateway drug to his work for at least some of his readers (at least for me) and shows enough of these characters to make us love them and (I’m sure Jeremy hopes) make us want to look up these non-Nemesis books. Whether you read the non-Nemesis novels or not, the new characters add to the story with their differences and similarities to the established characters, either being of the same mind or wondering “What the heck’s going on?”

The ending, as I said before, is excellent. I don’t want to spoil too much, about whether it’s happy, sad, or if every character gets what they want or need. All I can really add is that, going 5 for 5, Jeffrey Kafer is once again a supreme narrator. On occasion it’s not immediately clear when he switches to another character in a conversation but 98.5% of the time, it’s clear and he is epic, tender, thoughtful, or hilarious 100% of the time, depending on what the scene calls for.

I wrote this review in anticipation of the new novel Nemesis, an alternate-universe “What-If” concerning Nemesis. I’m of two minds: a tale in an alternate-universe keeps Project Legion as a pure, grand finale but Jeremy Robinson has shown in six novels (counting Island 731) that he can deliver on what his novels promise. Even if there was a direct continuation, Project Legion would still be a great endpoint of a six-book series. It has all the hallmarks that made readers fall in love with Nemesis and the FC-P crew and is a great intro to other stories if you decide you need more Jeremy Robinson on you bookshelf (digital or otherwise). And, who knows, maybe Nemesis will come back someday in a future Jeremy Robinson crossover. With this author, the more out there the concept, the more likely 🙂