Jeremy Robinson has done it again. Sci-fi and action adventure, and Monsters are all well and good and fun. But I like the stories that give me something to chew. Things to consider and require a well read (watched?) cultured reader from all facets of philosophy and technology… and some FAMILY GUY thrown in for good measure (Cool Whhhip).
This book does that. Robinson explains in brief what the reader needs to know of course, but if you are familiar with the current ideas of futurists like Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil, and if you know at least a little about the Bible, you are going to enjoy this book so much more.
Sometimes a 8-15 hour book (especially in the time of Covid) has taken me a month to finish… I did this in a matter of days… I gobbled it up as I usually do Jeremy’s meater stories. (While I’m enjoying NEMESIS I last read book 2 and it took me a while to get through… though I will be moving on too book 3 soon!) I will probably be jumping to Infinite and Alter next per recommendation in the authors note. But this one was well worth the Credit. “Because that is what good fans do!”
RC Bray and Jeremy Kafer are two STELLAR readers and together they break the awesomeness scale, but also help keep it interesting as the perspectives litterally change with their voices, and it helps to keep track of whom is speaking… something I personally can lose track of very quickly in Audiobooks if interrupted.