This one wasn’t the best in the series for me. The author did manage to make it not a typical battle arena slog, and did do some good subversion of some expectations. There were some things though that I felt were there to try to set up the subversion that fell flat or didn’t make sense.

Also, this one more than any other screamed cliffhanger. There’s…almost sort of a stopping point but really it just feels like part one of a two parter. If you hate cliffhangers I really don’t recommend starting this unless you’re able to immediately get the next.

On this way in kind of miffed at Amazon, as it almost feels they are expecting this mashing the next book more economical to use a credit, and I need to wait for one. That adds to the irritation.

Still, it is good so I won’t mark it as harshly as I was originally going to. Even Robert Jordan had some of the WoT books not a masterpiece, but necessary pierces to make other books in the series the greats they were. It’s still good enough for me to continue the series, and Dross