With 23 hours of listening split between 4 books, this series poses an enjoyable EMP survival story worth the purchase. But maybe shouldn’t be your first pick.

The narrative is fun, sad, moving, action packed, and unapologetically evangelical. It’s a bit like having your Appalachian grandfather weaving a SHTF story with the King James next to his rocking chair and sweet tea, with just enough of the Old Testament thrown in to really get you considering buying a farm outside of the city. And a Glock. And a pallet of MRE’s.

And a newer translation of the Bible than your old family KJV, if you care to figure out what it all means without the Thees and Thous. (Despite the author’s posturing, the King James Version may sound Holier, but considering that most people can’t understand Rome+Juliet, there’s a lot left to be desired from a story written in two halves in two dead ancient languages, then translated all together into another dead language and then again into a version of English now outdated by 500 years.)

Overall I give this 3-3.5 stars.

For a 4.5-5 * purchase, I’d start with the EMP series from William Forsten(?). One Second After(?) and come back to this series if you liked that.