I believe the title should have been “A Death Too Good” as this sub-human beast deserved to die slowly and painfully and in a very humiliating public fashion. As far as I’m concerned he got off easy.

When I first found out that a male was narrating this story I was not pleased. Since there was nothing I could do about it I settled in and grew to appreciate the narrator; he did a very good job.

This story leaves out no detail which may or may not be a good thing for some listeners. For those who are abused or know of someone being abused you get to go inside the mind of someone that can reveal why they stay. I was abused but mostly financially, some physically and a lot mentally. It’s a mind game and before you know it you are brain-washed into thinking you need this person even though you would soar and do 100% better without them even if you left naked and slept in the fields – you will do better without them but after awhile you just can’t see it. In June’s case someone verbalized that she would be better off without him and than tiny instance opened a fracture of a thought into her now sickened mind. That’s why the abuser isolates you, so you don’t get outside input that brings you back to reality.

God bless June as she moves forward in life.