This story begins with the daughter of an ex-military prepper trapped in an airport after power goes out. She immediately escapes from the airport and begins her journey cross country to reunite with her family. The other side of the story is her younger brother who is a prepper like his father. He is on a school trip when the power goes out. Both have learned some skills from their father but they are not prepared for the situations they are thrown into. The situations they find themselves in are different and challenging in their own ways. I think the author was being overly cynacil with how things played out though. While yes the situation can easily turned bad and it’s best to prepare for the worst what happened to these two leaned heavily towards the side of everything going wrong. There doesn’t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel that they are working towards just more bad to come.

The narration for the book wasn’t bad but it wasn’t anything that really stood out to me either.

This book was provided to me for free in exchange for an impartial review.