For all of the people who complain about the religion in the book, they should realize this is a book by a Christian and he’s going to share his faith. If you can’t accept this, don’t buy the book.

Pros: The story is often interesting and sometimes very interesting and compelling. It does a good job of portraying what an EMP could do to the country. Many of the characters are good and entertaining. Over time the writing gets better.

Cons: In the beginning especially characters often act in ways that real people wouldn’t but that gets better over time. Main characters are often ignored for many chapters. The book is only from one POV, which some may not mind. The ending could have covered a little more details of what happens to some characters.

Also for a Christian book about the end of the world it’s odd that more than half the planet would die in this storyline but that this end of the world as we know it has nothing to do with the Biblical armageddon.

Performance:: The voice artist is good but I don’t think he’s the best match for this book because the main character whose POV is portrayed through 100% of the book is about 21 and the voice artists conveys his voice as if he’s at least in his thirties or older.