The Rules of Supervillainy (The Supervillainy Saga Volume 1) is a fun, light-hearted parody of the superhero genre that elicits nostalgia for the golden age of comics. The Supervillainy Saga is purposely packed with superhero tropes and comic references but is still wildly entertaining with a roller-coaster ride of a plotline. All the poking-fun at the genre does not prevent it from being a great superhero story (or supervillain story, I suppose) and its satirical approach is fun, clever, and unique; Phipps really enjoys writing Supervillainy Saga and it’s a labor of love by someone who has a life-long passion for comics. If you are only into serious superhero stories, this book may not be for you. However, if you love a good humorous story with witty characters that is not afraid to make fun of itself, it is a great read (or listen!).

The narration is excellent and really brings life to the book’s characters. Jeffrey Kafer is a talented narrator that has really managed to capture (or create) the personality of the primary characters through unique voices and makes this book very entertaining to listen to. The narration for the audiobook has also made me realize that Kafer has a wide range and is an excellent voice actor; I’ve listened to Kafer narrate more serious stories and at first, I did not recognize his voice as the narrator for The Supervillainy Saga. I am very impressed with his performance and ability to match the narration with the overall tone of the text he is reading.