LJ Evans must have been a poet in another life. Her stories read like a sonnet put to music. The characters stir deep emotion and the words melt their way right into your heart. Evans supplied the words. Puckett gave them melody.  My Life as a Country Album reminds me why I love to read romance. Cam and Jake are a mixture of angst, youth and sentiment. Against the backdrop of some of my favorite songs, Evans has created a beautiful tale of young love and adult heartache. The maturity level reads so far above young adult. This is a story that goes far beyond words and speaks to the heart. My Life as a Pop Album puts heartache on full display. Derek and Mia could make sweet music together, but it’s the baggage in their past that has them playing the wrong keys. Rock Album shoves you through the rain toward a rainbow that proves itself to be a well hidden and hard earned reward. A captivating whirlwind.