So I am going to review this book as I see it. Not a feature length novel but a short story.

With that out of the way, this book is exactly what a short story should be. A fun, entertaining adventure with one or multiple characters trying to find purpose in some manner.

This book does this very well and the implied developments leave the imagination to fill in the blanks which makes for some fun introspection.

This book is also the type of book that you should go into not seeking detailed explanations of the technology, as it it not touched on a lot. If you can do that, you will be fine. If not, then you might want to seek another novel.

Also the way this book was structured does leave room for future novels to expand more into different paths for the Omega force.

The narration was also quite stellar and I appreciated what the narrator did in regards to painting the picture and characters.

I look forward to seeing what else can be done with this universe.