Within the unfathomable depth of the Black Ocean, J.S. Morin has created a universe akin to a masterpiece watch. From the outside, we see beautiful simplicity that functions only as a result of the impossibly precise internal mechanics that lie hidden just beneath the surface. Every piece functions towards the common goal of driving a story that leaves the reader/listener entranced. The characters will become a part of your world, their personalities crafted meticulously as though helped along by a bit of magic. The worlds, ships, and workings of magic and technology blend seamlessly into the story. No loose ends exist to untidy plot lines. In this collection, J.S. Morin grants us a remarkable gift, creating our very own “Mobiustania” in which to share the adventures of friends and family, to thwart the machinations of adversaries and obstacles. I challenge anyone who has yet to read this anthology to look a strange wizard in the eye, and lose themselves in a world they will never want to leave. Throughout the entirety of this collection, I asked myself repeatedly how it was that I became so completely enthralled in the stories. Upon hearing the message from the author at the end of the final tale, I had my answer. Mr. Morin, on behalf of Browncoat’s everywhere, thank you for keeping the spirit of adventure alive. Thank you for creating a new world for us to explore. Most of all, thank you for doing it right. You’ve taken readers out into the black, and managed to give a world of fans their sky back.