While Franklin Horton spent an adequate amount of time detailing the protagonist’s, Grace, background, his backstory of the antagonist, Ray/GammaRay, mostly centered around his life evolving around video FPS games, especially Grand Theft Auto. This made him mostly a one-dimensional, uninteresting character. The same was true with Grace’s girlfriend’s, Zoe, backstory which was pretty much a major tell that she was there as cannon fodder.

Also, while the terrorist event planning went into significant details, the actual specifics of the most 50 or so targets was missing. This was a major shortcoming since the act involved, non-nuclear, non-biological & non-chemical weapons leaving one to wonder how 50 conventional bombs, no matter what their payload, could have crippled the US electrical infrastructure such that it would take 10+ years to recover.

Kevin Pierce’s narration was okay but lacked any real emotional impact in the aftermath over many of the brutal and horrendous murders throughout the story.