If All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood and Twilight – the part of the story with Jacob and his family – mixed together with a pinch of Harry Potter -the magic part- you’d end up with WOLFSONG. Possibly a love child of those books. *lol*

I enjoyed listening to this one but found it a little challenging on keeping everyone straight for the first part of the story. Since I listened to the audio I wasn’t able to go back and search for a name or a word. So, I wrote out a quick character cheat sheet.


Ox – main character. As a pre-teen, his dad walked out of his life but not before making Ox feel unwanted.

Maggie – Ox’s mom


The Bennett Family:

Thomas – dad and alpha of the werewolves

Elizabeth – mom and Thomas’s wife

Carter – oldest son

Kelly – middle son

Joe – youngest son, the love interest for Ox

Mark – Thomas’s brother, first one to meet Ox and friend him


Gordo – gives Ox a job. Tether to Ox. Also a (view spoiler)

Tanner, Chris, and Rico – works for Gordo

Jessie – Chris’s sister and Ox’s first girlfriend


Richard Collins – bad guy

There are Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Omegas = bad guys

It’s been a while since I’ve read a book with the setting in Oregon, so I was glad I could add this one to that shelf.