Let me preface by saying I absolutely hate politics and politicians as a general rule. The country has gone straight up crazy in this last election and it’s aftermath.

That being said there is a lot of making fun of our current leader in this book. Most of it is fairly light hearted but it really seemed to dominate the story which detracted from the fun.

Overall not a bad book but the extensive politics dragged me out of fantasy land and into the real world and I found myself thinking about the political climate in the US more than enjoying the story.

Minus the politics this would have been my kind of low brow story that I would have enjoyed whole heartedly. It was quite implausible that military personnel would be let’s just say left of conservative. All the ones I know tend to lean towards the right. War is not something most left leaning people will sign up for. And presidents like our current one keep the funding going which keeps these same people employed with access to college tuition and veterans benefits. It was very out of character in my opinion.

Some of the political stuff was funny though. Orange color schemes on ships making obvious references to our current president actually made me laugh out loud. A lot of the rest came off a bit mean spirited. No matter which way you vote, you should still show at least some respect to the president who was elected. Political lines tend to be split 50/50 so why alienate half your audience and half the country by being overly insulting? Business and politics don’t mix. In my entire 40 years I’ve seen presidents go from liberal to conservative and back again every 8 years. They both suck. Nothing gets better no matter who’s in office. I think most of the country shares that opinion because I’ve never seen either party have 2 different presidents in a row in the last 40 years. So basically we’re sick of the current party be the end of their term and ready for the next.

The story was decent though as long as you can stay into it by ignoring the politics. If you were like me driving down the road and realize you missed the last 5 min of the book because your brain detoured into crappy political thoughts then maybe grab something else that will let fiction be fiction without real world creeping into it so much.