This four book series, wherein book two has not yet been narrated for Audible for some reason (note: I am listening in late 2022), is one that I’ll come back to again and again. Even with having to intuit the contents of book two from books three and four, I simply fell in love with the many characters that make up the Bennett family and their kick-ass town. The narration was absolutely gorgeous! I already have pre-ordered book two, and look forward to hearing some of my favorite characters speak into my ears in the near future. And of course, I very much look forward to listening to the whole series, in its entirety, after I’ve given book two its own listen. There is so much love and light shining through the often very dark drama in these books. Ooof, it’s just so good. Trying hard not to leave any sorts of spoilers, but will add that the overarching allegories are brought fully to their fruition in the conclusion of book four. That aspect of the author’s world building is not really my jam, but if this series had been around when I was in high school or college, I’d have been highly tempted to write a paper 😉 Happily, those days are long since past and I can simply enjoy the magic the author and the narrator have created in this wonderful work.