I have loved this entire series since I first discovered it on my kindle. I’ve come to love these characters and the dynamics between them all, the camaraderie that one rarely finds in a book series. This entire series draws you in from the very beginning, as you’re rooting for each and every main character in each and every book. And what I love about this entire series is that the characters carry on and are present throughout the whole thing. I have dreaded the ending of this series though because I wanted it to continue, wanted to keep reading these dynamic characters and about their building relationships and triumphs over the dreaded Gazzida. As much as I did dread it, I have to say that Anna Hackett brought this series to an end beautifully. Not only did she venture into other groupings (in Survivors) but she tied it all together wonderfully and throughout it all, there was love, both romantic, familial and for the planet and our fellow man. This is going to be a series that I revisit often in the years to come.