It’s like this book was written by a different person than the prior two. This one abandons the pretense of story all but completely and drones on about HOW the magic system functions mechanically, without the reader needing, wanting, or asking to know… and many other world-building, non-story facets of the ‘leveling up’ system. – Not the world, mind you… JUST the leveling up and power comparisons between the characters. – Incredibly disappointing, because most authors who are obsessed with PRG style games and character evolution systems (as this author clearly is), break into love with their characters by the third book and show the reader all the reasons why. Because they’ve generally presented the system and the world before the third book begins. – This is a huge step backward. – I’d buy the 4th & 5th books to see if the investiture was all worth it, since I’m well past the half way point today… but Audible doesn’t seem to sell them yet… and if they don’t produce them, I think that’s partially criminal… but after this incarnation, I can sort of understand why.