There’s a reason there are mostly 5 star reviews and 1 star reviews on this book. This is a progression fantasy book. A sub genre of fantasy focusing on the progression of power. This requires a very different writting style from a typical fantasy. Instead of introducing the full depth of the main character on the first 5 chapters and then moving forward, the depth is built up along the way.

Instead of using literary elements like plot, conflict, and resolution In a straight line, a progression fantasy is one seemingly never ending confilct to become the strongest. There are many conflicts and resolutions within that greater conflict and plot but you shouldnt expect to be able to even guess at where the plot or greater conflict will end for quite some time. The most difficult aspect of this is that the main conflict isnt usually against anyone in particular. Its MC against the world to become the strongest.

Not everyone can handle that progressive build up and lack of immediate resolution. So if you’re a 2 dimensional reader needing to be spoonfed a predictable story line, yeah, you’ll probably give this 1 star and shouldn’t read it.

That said, this is an incredible book series and has a fantastic narrator. Go into it with an open mind and maybe you’ll see why it tops the charts on Amazon!