When someone dumps you and suggests you try dating an Android instead, you do!

I didn’t realize the book was ending. Had me in tears and smiling at the same time. It shows the side of how dangerous it can be when our privacy can be lost at any time. I refer to our private information, home, financial and personal information. Something that currently occurs by means of fraud and hacking. The story does give A LOT to think about.

One of my favorite things about the story, is how the author implemented Isaac Asimov Three Laws of Robotics. Although if you think about it, the first law of Robotics it’s currently implemented by the military. ? I suppose it is based on one’s interpretation and perspective. Anyone who has seen the movie based on Asimov’s book “I, Robot” would also understand why these laws fail to the robots. No sentient being should be subjected to a lifetime of slavery. This being said, I get why someone would want a companion; and avoid the negativity interacting with other humans can bring.

BTW, lots of sex. ❤️‍? Sweet and sensual. But didn’t realize it at first. It was the love story of a lonely man who wished for companionship and intelectual debating. Seriously, the whole discussion on “Moby Dick” has left me wondering. ? That’s probably what happens when one of the main characters is a philosophy professor.

When the manufacturing company stars following up on product quality and customer satisfaction, is when laughable conspiracies and paranoia make sense of things.

Edit: The Narration was beyond words! The voice actor ? made me have feelings hard to bring when you’re concentrating at work. To have me sobbing there at the end, it takes more than a story teller. Really need to check out both, Author ✍️ and Narrator Joel Leslie ? ?✨