The Shadow Master books are always fun and, as usual, Jeffrey Kafer is a national treasure (no matter how much grief MKG gives him). Kafer really brings the Shadow Master to life. Adding RC Bray to the mix was comedic genius and a great treat for avid audiobook listeners. I had to back up and listen to one part several times because I kept laughing so hard I interrupted myself! It was brilliant!

The story itself was a delightful romp, totally in keeping with the previous 2 installments. Of course MKG had to hilariously interject his thoughts about writing, publishing, sci-fi/fantasy tropes, and reader reviews. He’s definitely an equal opportunity offender. No one and no trope is safe! LOL But it’s a lot of fun. It’s not highbrow literature and has plenty of swear words and bodily function jokes, but those things just make it that much more charming.

I highly recommend the whole series for some lighthearted fun and escapism, which is needed mental therapy these days!