I have almost never read any other book that makes me want to cuss a blue streak the Mc and his supporting roles make me want to vomit Tess is the most worthless juvenile idiotic moron her stupidity can only be eclipsed by none other than Arthur the author went from making a wonderful fantasy story of an underdog to turning into the most horrendous version of a Wuxia progression peace of hot garbage I’ve ever seen in my entire life he fell into the pitfall of every progression story that has ever been written within deepest pits of hell itself the Mc get stronger only to suffer loss after loss after loss after loss because In order to write more books you can’t have the Mc win so enemies have to become even more powerful which leads a vicious cycle of torture that will make you want to rip your eyes and ears out of your own head if you want to listen to the main character get his butt handed to him for over 15 straight hours while everyone including himself makes horrible life decisions that are a detriment not only to Mc and the supporting roles but ones that will also punish the populace of the entire continent then this is the book for you oh and btw the author proceeds to provide his beloved readers with cutaways to useless filler as well that could be solved through one cutaway instead of 40% of the book I will not however rate as a one star as much as want to shove one of those cheap black spikes up the authors back side it is clear to me that time and effort was spent into writing this and I will never belittle someone for creating something that I myself couldn’t make and I did enjoy the series up until this book I’ve already purchased book 8 before I got to far into book seven so if don’t manage to die of a rage induced aneurism and the author turns it around I’ll come back and change my rating but if this turns into a death spiral cash grab this review will be my only one and hopefully will warn other readers before they cry their own tears of rage as they bury this book in the darkest hole they can find