Charlotte has a major crush on her hot, actor boss, and after getting snowed in with him at a romantic inn for a weekend, finds herself in the family way.

Fast forward 6 years & Charlotte has a little boy & now owns that romantic inn when she is reunited with Drake.

Drake isn’t always the most likeable guy & Charlotte’s got quite a bit of insecurities – and there’s a lot of baggage they have to work thru – but it’s the positive, healing, make things right (or at least better) kind that feels heartwarming.

Speaking of heartwarming, the story flirts with a hint of the supernatural about soulmates that’s maybe a little cheesy but really sweet.

My favorite Jennifer Peel stories are the ones with kids & newfound family 🥰

*Romance level: passionate kisses, nothing graphic

*Language: About a dozen “mild” swears; a
little “earthy” – tampons, boobs, pushup bras, awkwardly unnecessary talk about sperm to a kid

[The narrator of the audiobook does an excellent job & has the perfect voice for Charlotte as well as a very good repertoire of voices for the other characters]