The one thing that has been consistent for all of the books in this series has been that the beginning of each book have completely confused me. For some reason, I have been totally lost for the first couple of chapters and this book is no different. But, like the previous books, once this book gets rolling, man does it pack a punch.

I will say this – T.J. Klune has a unique writing style. Put that together with the narrator and these books are so unbelievably moving, yet so unique. He does different things with the wordings and structures of sentences that just work. There is the underlying prose of “packpackpack” that he weaves into the stories that just strengthen the words on the page. (this sentence will not make any sense unless you’ve read one of the books in this series)

The author has created a world and a group of characters that are so emotionally and physically connected. This book deals with Robbie and while it took me a while to figure out what was happening, it was a deep gut punch when I figured it out. This book played with my feelings, yet it was a journey that you had to make to get to the other side.

While this story arc was completed, it set the stage for the next story. We also got a peek into Carter’s story – and I will be anxious to see how that evolves. Man, what a story.