Truth: I am easy to please, like to be entertained, and enjoy almost all audiobooks for one reason or another. What I’m getting at is: I don’t understand why there were negative reviews!

I just finished Book 3; that’s my 48th book for 2021. Books 1 & 2 were 44th and 46th. I have DEVOURED them!

I started because they were included free with the subscription, I stayed because the story building and world creation have been fascinating for me. I love most sci-fi and these books deliver quite nicely! I would thoroughly recommend this series even if I spent credits. To lightly touch on some of the negative remarks: I feel that the story moves at a good pace, I don’t believe there is anything unnecessary to the story (I like all the caveats), and the magic/power system at play feels natural and fresh.

All around kudos to the author and narrator; much thanks for producing high quality material and has brighten my last 2 weeks!!!