When I say: BE READY WITH THIS ONE before you even start book 2, I am not kidding. Book 1 ended in a cliffie, but it was nothing like book 2’s, entirely different situation.

Anyway, I’ve basically binged books 1 & 2 and had to move right into 3—this series apparently is like crack, at least for a dark reads lover like myself.

This one picks up a short time after book 2 ends … it’s pretty much right where it left off.

“I’m nothing more than a chess piece; a pawn on an endless board … when I should be queen.”

This one’s sort of frustrating, as Aspen’s trying to heal from so much … but still in some trouble, but doesn’t tell anyone about it. Which sorta seems like she’s setting herself up for more. The explanation is a bit weak … until it isn’t and it all makes perfect sense. Brilliantly executed. And this entire installment is shrouded in mystery, so that keeps it fun. I thought it’d end at this one, but I see there are 2 more books in this series. Definitely feel a need to read on and expect you will too.


4 stars.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


Overall, excellent. I can’t say it’s a perfectly seamless production, there are a few instances, (all the female’s, if memory serves) where her voice changes quite a bit for a sentence or two … like she re-recorded or missed something initially and spliced it in. These are just minor blips though. Overall, excellent quality. No extraneous sounds and both narrators perform beautifully. 4-star production. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️