This was a series that I started a couple of years ago (I think) and ran across this addition in my library. I had a little bit of a hard time trying to remember all of the details of the plot, but I remembered that I did like the series, so I decided to keep moving forward in the series.

Truthfully, I DID NOT remember the details, but it was fairly simple to put the pieces together based on the info from the book. I have said it before and I will say it again – S.E. Smith has been such a pleasant surprise as an author. These are crazy “aliens from space” novels, but you can’t but help it but to become completely immersed in the plots and in the characters. Each of her books has a great story arc, really likeable characters and scenes that build to a big climax.

Seriously, what more can you ask for?

This book has a complete story arc- we get to meet Destin who is a human fighting for Earth who has gotten a chance to meet some of the other leaders from different planets. He realizes how big the universe is and realizes that they need to be working WITH these partners instead of trying to pretend that they understand all of the ramifications. Anyway, this is Destin and Jersula’s story, but there is much more drama going on along with it.

This also has a complete story arc, but sets up lots to come in the future. I guess I’m going to dive back in 🙂