3.5/5 Stars Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery by Larry Millet

Narrated by Steve Hendrickson

Series: Minnesota Mysteries 3

Run Time: 9 hrs and 56 mins

Genre: Mystery


Sherlock Holmes and Watson travel to Minnesota to check out a small-town mystery. A strange rune stone shows up on a farm. It could be the archaeological find of the century or an elaborate hoax.

Additional Comments:

• It’s a typical mystery that wanders all over this small town.

• Almost seems beneath Holmes to investigate.

• The inclusion of the evil chick from previous volumes was quite the stretch. The author seems bent on making her out to be the next Moriarity, but she just doesn’t live up to the reputation. Oh, she’s clever, but not quite truly heartless, cunning, and conniving.

• The drinking contest was amusing.

• As with most mysteries of this sort, there’s a long-winded infodumping session, but for some reason, it comes off charming when Holmes does the infodumping.

• The kid’s obsession with taking pictures was cute. Rafferty’s interactions with Moonie turned out to be excellent. They almost stole the show.


This wasn’t the best of the series, but it’s a decent series overall. These tales are always good for a clean read.

*Found on Audible plus.