I, for one love a good apocalypse and this does not disappoint. Although the EMP usually is my least favourite of the grand events I found myself liking this one as it developed. Maybe it was the magic of New Year’s Eve or New York City but I flew through this audiobook. Our random group of main characters seem to be as random as you can get, but it worked. It is the secondary characters that bring them all together and that is what I liked most about this story. I found myself wanting to know more about the secondary characters not just the main characters. The vivid scene descriptions during the moment the lights went out were awesome and very unexpected. This built upon the apocalyptic landscape and things to come. The main character’s back stories were very good and deep. I almost thought that each was dealing with some sort of mental illness in their own way and this was adding to the suspense. At one point of the book the story splits into 2 different points of view so to speak. I enjoyed each equally and that is rare for me as usually one is better than the other. They come together nicely but I half expected there to be a huge cliff hanger ending but it wraps up quite nicely and leads into the second book, which I am excited for. This was my second audiobook by this author/ narrator duo and it was great. I loved the writing and the performance was nothing short of a Kevin Pierce apocalypse. His voice fits the genre so nicely that it is hard not to take a trip into the apocalypse that is performed by Pierce. He makes it easy to distinguish between characters and is crisp in delivery. He builds the tension with a little pause or by quickening the pace. This was a great listening experience for me. Cannot wait to move on to book 2. I was provided a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review via Audiobook Boom. This in no way affected my opinion of this work.