I did not enjoy The Vacation Rental by Katie Sise. I predicted all of the (outlandish and slightly illogical) twists but one 30% in, but in a way that I was like, “I doubt I’m right but let’s see”. I like the idea Katie had behind Anna, as I read a book that used a similar format 20 years ago and I loved it so much. However, the execution is done in a way that wasn’t as shocking as it was meant to be. Overall, I never warmed to Anna nor felt much sympathy for her experience.

Michelle Price as Anna is melodramatic and annoying, which made listening to her a tiring experience and contributed to my negative opinion of the book. Anne Marie Lewis as Georgia was fine.

I rate it 2 stars, but only because I was able to finish it. I really liked other books by Katie and will continue to read more of her work.