This book was OK but short. I read and listen to these type of stories a lot. Kevin Pierce and R.C. Bray are the poster voice’s of this type of story and they make any average book better. With that being said I do not think I could read this one but with Pierce narration is was not bad.

The main Character is likable but flip flops from an alpha to a beta male often in the story. the other characters are just around. The grandma diary in the form of letter’s was a good idea. The story is nothing new and the writing style is pretty basic and feels like a realistic comic book IMHO. The book is short and appears abrupt and unfinished.

I guess is I did not feel any depth or investment and the wheels in my head where not turning forcing me to stay up late listening. No emotions of any kind kicked in at any point of the book.

I will try something else next time but if I do not find anything I will pick up the next issue of this story.