Each Chapter is organized in a smart way. 1) George sets up the reading with a short synopsis. 2) The family member of the deceased tells the story of their loved one and how they passed. 3) The recreation verbatim of the reading itself. Of the 10 chapters (readings) I’d personally say 7 are very powerful and have you listening intently. The chapter with the Iraq War Veteran whose little brother hung himself in 2002 and how the Vet has been struggling here on Earth is sad, inspiring, beautiful and heartbreaking all at once. Worth buying the book just for that chapter. The brother and sister car accident chapter is the other one that really stood out.

All readings and stories are well worth the listen. As someone who has seen George and been to a reading at his home in 1996 I promise you this is no B.S. George is as real as it gets and things came through from my Grandfather, Sister and Brother who had all passed away that no soul on Earth would’ve ever known. This is Pre-Internet for the most part in 96 and thought I’m a skeptic by nature, which you may be too and wondering if this book is worth your time, trust me that George is a humble man with a gift not seeking celebrity or money. If you’re searching for answers after you’ve lost someone, George is a great place to start. I consumed his books one-after-one b/c each one offered some sort of knowledge or peaceful realization that it kept me sane. Truly. Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eban Alexander is another good one if you are a person of Science and are skeptical of mediums and mystics. God Bless and I hope this book might bring some answers and peace.