I had hopes for this book, the story description had me feeling this was something I’d like.. taking reviews with a grain of salt, cause everyone does have a different opinion and only being able to hear the female voice in the sample, I went ahead and made the purchase..

And omg 🤮.. I was barely able to make it to chapter 10, the male reading like literally gave me the creeps 😳 when he was describing what submission was all about and what he was doing to her while explaining, when he was reading for the female part he made her sound very much child like, like pre-puberty child like, won’t lie that gave me a sick feeling.. I just couldn’t handle it a moment longer, so I returned this title!!

The storyline itself kind of screamed highschool, at least to the part I was able to get to before tuning out.. it could totally be the voices ruining the feel of the story altogether for me 🤷‍♀️.. I may attempt to purchase the book itself and give a try at reading it, once I can get past the disturbing feeling this audible narration gave me.. that man should NEVER read a book of this nature, he definitely creates the CREEP vibe when trying to speak the female part, for sure!!