Eleanor was still annoying (though a bit better in this book) and Sully was got really weird. How can a red blooded male and an alpha at that let someone else sleep with the woman he “loved?” In other words Sully was pimping her even though he didn’t need the money? So, did he love her or was that his twisted way of pretending to be an alpha while nowhere near that title. He didn’t control anything, he just came off as a money hungry bleeding heart wannabe. I wish I didn’t waste my credit, nothing like what I thought book 2 would be going… just a continuation of drawing out longing ?? 2 books? If there’s a third I’m not doing it. This feels too lifetimey or twisted dark romance soap…the near misses, the constant interruptions got to be too much. ETA: I dragged and persevered and finished yet another cliffhanger. So frustrating. I’m no longer interested in this story. I enjoyed Tears of Tess (as twisted as it was but it didn’t feel like I HAD to get the second book.) While I like the idea of the story, it was at times too wordy like the author was supposed to meet a word quota and/or make us buy the next book. Not for me.