I enjoyed this book and need to start book 2 right away because I need to know what started it all and where it’s going. My first thought was that it is written in 3rd which isn’t my favorite but if an author does it right, I can get on board and with this book I did. Book 1 started a little slow but I expect that in Fantasy/ Sci-Fi because the author needs to set the scene for the story. I was a little confused at first with the way the story jumps between people and places without any warning but once I got use to the authors style it was easy to follow. I liked that we aren’t just getting one characters POV and that we get flashbacks into before which helps paint the picture for why the characters are the way they are. I’m looking forward to finding out more about some of the side characters and to see what will happen next. I am expecting the next book will be even better since newer authors usually grow as they publish more books and find there personal writing style..
This was my first by this narrator and he was really good. He has the voice for post apocalyptic narrative for sure.