Great plot. A lot better than some of these simple minded survivalists who fancy themselves a writer. I enjoyed it. The simplistic world views and basic stereotypes assigned to the characters was mind numbing. I don’t think I actually know even one progressive millennial who either doesn’t own a gun or doesn’t want to. That’s just a viewpoint certain types of sheltered white men develop due to lack of exposure and education. It’s a convenient story they tell themselves and each other to help them feel less inferior to the world as it changes around them. Even though history shows us over and over again that there’s always the group that feels victimized as the world progresses and more ppl gain freedoms, so they resist change by using fearful and discrimatory rhetoric. There have been zero middle eastern doctors who become terrorists. In reality, they are some of the most empathetic people I’ve ever met and the ones more likely to take the rural, low paying jobs treating ignorant ppl like this author because they want to feel like there job has some meaning. Unlike the majority of American doctors who go into it for money and end up in a speciality making a killing. Most people I’ve met who live in trailers work harder, for more hours and less pay than probably any of these guys could even dream. And if you ever took a moment to research welfare rolls instead of regurgitating Fox News and all of your nonfactual, fear spewing, good ol boy forums then you might realize the demonization of people on welfare is a tactic that’s been laid out and executed successfully with an agenda. And that in reality, the average person on welfare is a white single mother with 2 kids who briefly falls on hard times. And I say briefly because there is literally a 5 year LIFETIME limit on the receipt of welfare. The ones who do take advantage of the system is estimated to be less than 2%. Anyway, you could be a fairly talented writer. I hope you are lucky enough to be exposed to a few life realities outside of your comfort zone and that you are capable of walking through it with open eyes.